现在招聘! 探索SMS设备的职业生涯. 观点的机会



Contractors who construct aesthetically pleasing outdoor environments engage in work that dem和s precision, 速度, 和 an unusually wide variety of machine tasks. To underst和 how this impacts equipment requirements, we connected with two 韦德娱乐1946 sales representatives: Ian Webster, 轻型建筑方面的专家, 杰夫·马丁, 智能建筑专家. Below are five main points from our conversation.

1. 工作要求多种多样.

1. 工作要求多种多样.

伊恩: 景观 is a very broad area these days, 和 many l和scapers are very diverse in their jobs. So, their range of services could include complete design 和 construction of a yard space, 商业物业景观美化, 沿着公路种树, 或者在公园里修建人行道. 任务包括软景观-表土, 草皮, 覆盖物, 花, 树, 和硬景观-连锁砖铺装, 院子里的石头, firepit领域, 池塘, 甲板和栅栏. 他们会做整个音域.

为了满足这一需求, l和scapers need machines that can do many different things. 一个典型的例子是紧凑型履带式装载机. It’s small enough to fit into any job situation, 和 the amount of attachments you can get for it is virtually limitless. 紧凑型挖掘机也是如此. You can get attachments for lifting 和 setting large boulders, 你可以买扫帚附件, you can get tampers – anything you can imagine to help them do these jobs.

我们非常积极地支持这一点. If we sell a machine with a package of attachments, each attachment gets installed 和 tested before it leaves to ensure everything functions properly. We also provide technical guidance to help our l和scaping customers select their attachments.

2. 创造力是被期待的.

2. 创造力是被期待的.

伊恩: The st和ards for l和scaping work are quite high, 和 the sky seems to be the limit in terms of what they are capable of. Some of them have incredibly talented people in their organizations who can come up with amazing designs 和 features. 有时, they have to build components like retaining walls that are highly functional 和 decorative.

L和scapers often have a very personal relationship with their clients, 所以期望很高, 和 being able to do precise work is essential for them.

3. 经验丰富的操作员很难找到.

3. 经验丰富的操作员很难找到.

杰夫: There are a lot of applications in l和scaping where smart features can be really economical, so we’re getting more 和 more calls about that. 例如, having a base 和 rover (GPS) system for grading is really productive when you’re building a golf course. Or, if you’re planting 树 by the road in a subdivision, using a machine that will automatically dig holes to the proper depth from the top of the curb can help make a job more competitive.

One of the drivers here is that l和scapers have a tough time finding skilled equipment operators like all contractors. The labour challenge is in some ways more urgent than what other contractors experience because l和scaping requires a lot of precision work that you would typically only get from an operator with years of experience.

I should mention that the smaller machines that l和scapers use, typically don’t come with factory-installed smart features. We believe this is coming from vendors like 竹内BOMAG, but in the meantime, these systems will involve 改造. 幸运的是,我们做了很多 改造 和 have a deep bench regarding the skills required, plus solid partnerships with our vendors.

4. 工作更小了.

4. 工作更小了.

伊恩: Compared to other contractors that use heavy construction equipment, 园艺师做相对较小的工作. This means that margins of error are small, budgets are limited, 和 often, timelines are tight.

So, the strategy that Jeff mentions of adding smart features incrementally by using aftermarket kits makes a lot of sense for them. Similarly, l和scapers expect to do a lot with their machines. For them, a machine has to be somewhat like a Swiss army knife.

5. 停机是无法忍受的.

5. 停机是无法忍受的.

伊恩: Reliability 和 uptime are tremendous for our l和scaping customers. 在我们加拿大的气候下, they only have a short window to do their jobs, 和 when you factor in things like delays from rainstorms, 他们不能再浪费时间了. So, they need reliable 和 durable equipment 和 速度y turnarounds when they are experiencing equipment issues. Access to a service department as we have with parts on h和 和 experienced technicians is essential for them.

很多人, 除了简单的换油, don’t do much on the maintenance side of things, so they need someone who can do the more major services – changing out tracks or installing 和 setting up attachments.

Another aspect of this is that many l和scapers use their equipment in the winter for snow removal, which forms a substantial portion of their business. These operations require year-round support, 和 services such as preparing equipment for the winter or spring seasons are essential.


L和scapers have unique equipment requirements due to the need for diversity, 可靠性, 和经济. “It’s a pretty dem和ing industry 和 an intricate one,” says Jeff. “L和scapers must diversify to capture as much of that business as possible. And we’re just happy that we have the right equipment 和 attachments that we can provide them that helps them do that.”

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